It made HUGE headlines on FOX, this week,

when 83 yr old John Coleman, co-founder of The Weather Channel appeared on Bullshit Mountain and denounced 'Climate Change'. The bimbos at FOX basically laughed and said, 'we told you so', as their sponsors, the Koch Bros and other Big Oil puppetmasters applauded in the background. HOWEVER, the Bozos of BS Mntn COMPLETELY ignored the actual scientists and spokespersons of The Weather Channel who came out today, completely endorsing climate change, while they pointed out that Coleman had ZERO training in the science of climatology.. He was a businessman who 'sold out' TWC long ago.
 I'm SHOCKED that the professional liars who make up the news staff at FOXNews(?) could have missed the actual story SO bad, today, in their efforts to 'inform the public'. FOXNews, what a JOKE, but at least they are consistent. What kind of fool gets their 'news' from them? Oh yeah, the sheep, who know where to go, to hear what they wanna hear.
 PS. Well over 90% of FOXNews is actually real and accurate, presented in a glitzy, professional manner. That's how they suck in the sheep. It's the 'opinion, presented as fact', that goes off the rails, and makes the $120 mil, that Murdoch/Ailes PAID, to be included as a 'news source', that makes FOX the 'best money ever spent by the Pub party, as the sheep actually believe the propaganda. Hats off to them, for recognizing an opportunity, repugnant as it is. If it weren't for Bullshit Mountain lies, the Pubs wouldn't have a chance in the upcoming election.


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