Krauthammer's editorial today,

says the economy should be the main issue in the upcoming election, and this current recovery is the slowest on record. Oh Really? It's a slow, but steady recovery from the WORST crash of the US economy, (caused by 8 years of Pub policies), since the Great Depression, and the only thing that stopped a TOTAL meltdown was over $860 BILLion to Bush's Big Money Buddies, who caused the problem in the first place. BUT, Repub 'spinmeisters', led by the clowns at Bullshit Mountain have managed to 'move the goalposts' and blame the Dems for 'not fixing the mess' fast enough. Kudos to them, for recognizing the fact that most Americans 'just don't get it', and exploiting that fact. FOXNews, the best spent money in the history of politics, where 'propaganda becomes fact' for the sheep.


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