
Showing posts from June, 2019

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb met AGAIN, in North Korea this time, with the same results as the last two times. ZERO.

Yup, Dumb and Dumber got a bunch of pics and publicity as Fat Donny and Fat Kim smiled for the cameras as the North Koreans give up NOTHING and get the respect of meeting with the Prez of the US, even though it is just the Orange Clown. What a pair, the dictator and the wanna-be dictator, schmoozing and LYING and pretending it’s important. What a joke, as Dotard finds a soul mate in another fat con man.

So, there IS karma

Ms Rapinoe, of the US women’s soccer team, who said she’d NEVER go to the ‘fucking White House when that clown is there’, scored BOTH goals in the US 2-1 win against France. Screw you Dotard and the gullible sheep you rode in on...

Dotard and Vlad shared a big laugh yesterday when Fat Donny said,

‘Don’t meddle in the elections’, and they both had a big guffaw, both knowing the Liar in Chief wiuldn’t be there without Russia’s help. Then he turned to Putin and facetiously said, "Don't meddle in the election." He playfully repeated the request while pointing at Putin, and they both laughed. You ignorant, gullible, clueless sheep ever ask yourself WHY Putin and his pals wanted the incompetent Orange Clown in the White House? Remember, this is where the Pussy Grabber went for financing, (according to both his boys) after no one in the US would touch him, after multiple bankruptcies. C’mon, remove your head from your ass and take a guess why the Russians helped him win..... BUT, Fat Donny did say a bit of TRUTH, saying was have a problem with ‘Fake News’. Yup, Bullshit Mountain was founded by Roger Ailes, the Repub Political Strategist, to target the Low IQ sheep who would rather hear Pub Propaganda than ‘real’ news. Show me where I’m wrong, gullible sheep....

Bullshit Mountain, the Repub Propaganda Network, has some ‘news’ for the sheep.

You familiar with all the sexual abuse by catholic priests against young boys? Well, FOXNews claims it wasn’t the fault of the over-sexed priests. The same people who brought us the Pussy Grabber for president claim ‘the devil made them do it.’ Yup, the clowns at FOX are keeping their alliance with the crew who believes in Noah’s Ark and are shoveling some new ‘facts’ to the sheep. SOOOOO, is is Fat Donny’s fault he LIES his ass off, OR, does the devil make him do it? I’m sure the clueless sheep blame it all on Lucifer, which, BTW, is just another name for Dotard. Is the devil responsible for the clergy abuse crisis? One expert thinks so

Like 99% of the musicians who wrote and played the music we grew up with,

Ozzie Osborne has demanded that Dotard quit using his music (Crazy Train, etc.) for his political agenda. That leaves Fat Donny with Nickleback, Ted Nugent and Scott Baio, while nearly EVERYONE else tells him to keep his tiny hands off their music. That tell you anything, you gullible clueless rightwingnuts? Didn’t think so, and didn’t mean to interrupt your ‘news’ from Bullshit Mountain, the Repub Propaganda machine that gave us the Russian backed, incompetent, Pussy Grabbing Pathological LIAR.

One of the questions asked of the Dem candidates, tonight, was,

what is the biggest danger to America? One or two said China and one said Climate Change, then one of them, not sure who, nailed it. Without a doubt, he said, Donald Trump. Not even close, it’s Dotard.

Seventh time’s the charm.

Dotard has a new Professional Liar, or Communications Director, as the Liar in Chief likes to call them. Yup, Grisham is the SEVENTH clown to try and untwist Fat Donny’s LIES and spin them in a way that only the most gullible, clueless among us, the FOXSheep, can swallow them. Good luck girl, you’re gonna need it. OR, you could just QUIT talking like Sarah Hunkameat did. Dotard and his lies and liars. What a joke.....

Never thought I’d believe Iran over the US, until Dotard, the Pathological LIAR, took over.

Yup, the Iranians are MUCH more believable than than Fat Donny, as they claim the White House message is retarded, which is an insult to those truly retarded, calling Dotard’s latest claims, ‘stupid and outrageous’. The world had a great deal with Iran, that took MANY nations, MANY years to create, then the Russian backed, incompetent, Pathological LIAR took over and backed out of the deal. And now the asshole is trying to start a war, with Bolton and Pompeo, who WANT a war, leading the way. Screw the Liar in Chief and the ignorant gullible sheep he rode in on.....

Even though he’s a Russian backed, Pathological LIAR, Fat Donny did nominate two intelligent Cabinet members, as well as a few generals.

They ALL described Dotard the same way. A Fucking IDIOT! Yup, two generals, plus Rex Tillerson and Gary Cohn all said the same thing about Fat Donny. He’s a fucking idiot. And these are HIS appointees, who think just like 2/3 of us in the US. Those of us who don’t swallow FOXCrap. Yup, a fucking idiot. Can’t say it any better myself.... And if you can’t see it, maybe you fall in that  category. Who da thunk.... 

Wow, I have a new hero, or heroine, as the women’s soccer team kicks ass on the world’s stage.

Yup, she says what MOST of us think. FUCK TRUMP! The all-star co-captain of the  U.S. Women's soccer team  says she's "not going to the f---ing  White House " if her team wins the World Cup. During an interview with Eight By Eight Magazine on Tuesday,  Megan Rapinoe scoffed at a question about whether or not she's "excited" about going to the White House. Screw Dotard, and the ignorant, gullible, clueless, FOXLies swallowing sheep he rode in on.

Can you imagine if a woman came forward, during Obama’s presidency and claimed he had forced himself on her, in a dressing room, and raped her?

FOX, the Repub Propaganda machine would go CRAZY and call for him to be lynched, or worse. With Fat Danny in office the news doesn’t even cause a ripple. Hey lady, get in line, with the two dozen others who claim he assaulted them, and a mere ‘sex asault’ is NOTHING compared to the bullshit he does every week. Fat Donny raped a woman in a dressing room? Big Deal. We’re numb and immune to all the crap this asshole does on a regular basis......

Remember what the VERY FIRST thing the Pubs did when they won they won the election? Yup, they held a closed door, late night session to KILL the Eithics Committee. (Look it up if you don’t believe me.) A perfect example of what we were in for.....


We are in that RARE economic position when interest rates and inflation are both low and employment is high. The exact same conditions that Clinton and Obama used to PAY DOWN the debt. BUT, under Dotard’s reign of error these ‘best of times’ is seeing the deficit and debt SKYROCKET like never before.

Instead of living within our means the Orange Clown in the White House is giving YUUUUGE ta breaks to billionaires and shoveling cash to the most bloated military in history while bitchin’ and moanin’ that the Fed isn’t lowering rates when they should be RAISING them, putting bullets in the Fed’s gun to combat the next downturn which IS gonna come. Just a matter of WHEN. While the debt/deficit is YUUUGE now, just wait ‘til the next recession (that the Pubs are FAMOUS for) and interest rates and the Fed outgo goes WAY up while employment goes DOWN. It’s called a Depression. The totally incompetent, Russian backed Pathological LIAR has surrounded himself with other incompetents after the FEW competent people in his administration (like Gary Cohn, replaced by Peter Navarro, who along with Rex Tillerson called Fat Donny a ‘Fucking Idiot’, and was replaced by Mike Pompeo, whose main talents are ass-kissing and LYING with a straight face. These clowns have joined Steven Miller and John...

Here we are, the first day of summer.

Trail Ridge Road is closed, with snow drifts and Steamboat Springs is getting 10” of new snow, BUT the dumbass Pubs claim ‘No Climate Change’ cuz that doesn’t fit in with their Big Oil contributors. Screw science, they say, that’s fake news, just like ALL the news that Dotard and the Pubs don’t like. They’d rather have the Pub version of ‘news’, created by Roger Ailes, for those who have no use for ‘real’ news, when they can get the crap they WANNA hear, from the clowns at FOX. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand. BTW, Fat Donny claimed we were ‘Cocked and loaded’. What a dumbass...... It’s called ‘Locked and loaded’, Capt Bonespurs. Remember when if the US said one thing and Iran said something different and you’d believe the US? LONG time ago..... Before the LIAR in Chief and the clowns that surround him, incl Pompeo and Bolton who want nothing more than a shooting war with Iran.

Dotard claimed we were ‘ Cocked and loaded’, but didn’t shoot.

Hey, Capt Bonespurs, the saying is ‘Locked and loaded’, after ‘lock and load’, you ignorant A-hole, but you wouldn’t know that. Just one of MILLIONS of things you don’t know, sorta like the gullible sheep who swallow your crap. Nothing new here, but your ignorance gets SO old.... What? Read a book? Not a chance.....

Russel Crowe was on the Colbert Show, plugging ‘THe Loudest Voice in the Room’, the Roger Ailes story

Yup, this ‘unbiased’ ‘News’ network creator went from advisor to Nixon, Reagan and GHWBush, to providing news (ha ha) for the sheep, and they swallow it. Wow, who da thunk that FOX was created by someone who wants the news to be what they WISH it could be, and the sheep swallow it. Yup, they ‘make it up’ and the sheep swallow it. And the clowns swallowing it see ‘No Problem with it, and go to sleep each night thinking they are ‘informed’. Then they listen to a TV preacher telling them about Noah’s Ark and they REALLY get informed. Roger Ailes. Despicable as he was, was no idiot. He knew there was a YUUUGE overlap between the Thumpers and Repubs. Billion dollar idea. Yup, they watch One Side of th news, with an overreaching motto. Dems BAD—-Pubs GOOD, and they swallow it all. No Problem, IF you are a gullible, clueless, low IQ moron. Otherwise, YUUUUUGE problem....... And that’s how we get Dotard, the Russian backed Liar in Chief, as prez, who’s lied OVER TEN THOUSAND TIMES, ...

As the latest escalation of a drone shot down by Iran, which may or may not been in Iranian airspace, (BTW, NO ONE can believe what the Liar in Chief says) we just found out...

It was a ONE HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION DOLLAR DRONE. And you wonder WHY the Pubs are SO into their War Machine that sucks hundreds of billions from the US Treasury? A $110,000,000 drone. Screw Dotard(R), his Repub war machine, and the gullible FOXSheep who voted in the Russian backed Pathological LIAR.

This is the best idea I’ve heard for a LONG time, concerning golf, or even sports....

 Mulligans 4 sale Tiger hits a terrible tee shot? Spieth splashes an iron into the pond? It's all good, man! Cuz now they can buy one mulligan per tournament, at $10K apiece. And then... ? They put all that money into a pool for the tourney's highest-scoring player who did NOT buy a do-over. If all 150ish players in the field use it? That pot's $1.5M, baybee... or about the average purse for PGA tournament winners. Imagine the freakin' mayhem... !!! Say the leader hasn't used his mulligan, needs par to win, drives it into the trees and might have a shot at the green -- but on the tee, has to quickly decide (we give everybody 10 seconds to pick; golf's too long, BTW) if he thinks he can still make par without burning his $10K free pass, thereby doubling his take?!?!?) Wow, what a great idea, that would make the game a lot more fun/exciting to watch!

In a rare, bipartisan uproar, Congress told Dotard to ‘stick it’ as he tried to shut down a program that trains low-income you th do fight wildfires and disaster recovery work. Fat Donny wanted it shut down cuz it was a Dem program and he and his henchmen hate all things even remotely related to the Dems, like pollution laws, Iran deals, health care, Job Core, SCIENCE, etc.

POLITICS  06/20/2019 11:13 am ET Trump Administration Backs Off Plan To Close Job Corps Centers After Bipartisan Outcry The CCC program has been around since 1964 and each year trains nearly 4,000 young adults between ages 16 and 24, many of whom are poor. Federal employees teach them how to fight wildfires, do disaster recovery and handle other jobs on public lands. The trainees help the federal government in conservation efforts while receiving GED diplomas and vocational training certifications. They often go into conservation or building trade careers after their stints. Screw the fat, Russian backed incompetent, Pathological LIAR and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on...

As if he wasn’t doing enough to wreck our country and foul our air and water, Dotard just killed all the progress made in the last decades to provide ‘clean’ energy .

WASHINGTON»  Despite scientists’ increasingly urgent warnings, the Trump administration ordered a sweeping about-face Wednesday on Obama-era efforts to fight climate change, easing restrictions on coal-fired power plants. Rather than a sensible economic move, it’s being described as a “dirty power scam” and “a stunning giveaway to big polluters.” Climate change is “the existential threat of our time” and the administration is ignoring scientific studies and yielding to special interests. Yup, in an attempt to get a few votes from the backwater states that dig coal and wreck our air and water when it’s burned, Dotard turned his back on clean burning natural gas, as well as wind and solar power, killing the rules against polluting air and forcing consumers to pay MORE for DIRTIER energy. Yup, he’ll get a few votes from the uneducated miners who SHOULD be learning a new and better occupation and he’ll get (has gotten) huuuuge money from the coal barons who have no qualms ab...

Dotard claims he doesn’t want a war with Iran, but his buddies in the area, Russia and Saudi Arabia would like nothing better.

AND, with the second ‘acting’ Sec of Defense, the actual power behind the throne is held by Mike Pompeo and John Bolton who would LOVE to have a shooting war with Iran and haven’t been shy about saying it, although Pompeo is a bit muzzled as the current Sec of State. The new-cons who started the last war, based on LIES, are the same ones who are now bitching about Iran breaking the rules of the Iran Pact that the Trumpies WITHDREW from. SOOO, while the Liar in Chief claims he doesn’t want war, everyone around him, incl Vlad and his buddies the Saudi sheiks would LOVE to see the US bomb Iran and have their oil double or triple in value, while the military loves nothing more than trying our their new weapons, as they’ve been sending more soldiers, bombers and carrier groups to the region, ‘just in case’. Does anyone really think that Dotard(R) and his crew(R) would hesitate to start another Mideast war(R), esp if the Orange Clown thought he was being perceived as ‘weak’? If I was an...

And look out for Barr, behind you.


During Dotard’s entire presidency he’s ranged between the mid thirty percent with a high at the mid forties. NO WAY can he win an election with those numbers.

BUT, when his pollsters told him, he FIRED them. FOXNews just released their polls and it’s just the same, with Joe Biden beating him badly, and all the top five Dems beating him soundly. The gullible sheep have maintained the same loyalty since his first day, BUT, he hasn’t moved UP, at all and there is NO middle ground. You either swallow the FOX/Fat Donny crap OR you hate his Russian backed guts. No middle ground, and this is before we even see the blacked out Mueller report or any of the FIFTEEN investigations into his financing and Russian ties come out. Just call him toast, BUT, he has a year and a half to totally wreck our country and the world with his incompetent bullshit that has already wrecked the world economy. Look out Iran, we know what desperate Repubs do, to change the subject.

Dotard has long claimed a ‘Deep-State FBI plot to discredit him, BUT during the Stephanopoulos interview he got caught up in the truth, something he can’t handle.

After Trump demeaned top FBI brass as “lowlives,” claimed that the entire investigation into Russian interference and his campaign’s role in it was “a setup” that President Barack Obama “must have known about,” Stephanopoulos asked him a critical question. “If they were determined to prevent you from becoming president, why wouldn’t they leak it beforehand?” he said. But instead of pushing back, Trump acknowledged that Stephanopoulos’s premise was correct. “You know what, you’d have to ask them,” Trump said. “And you know what — had that gone out before the election, I don’t think I would have had enough time to defend myself.” DUH, if the FBI was against him, Comey wouldn’t have leaked the Hillary stuff AND the FBI would have leaked the Russia stuff, but they didn’t, although that doesn’t stop the pathological LIAR from shoveling crap to his gullible sheep about the Deep State FBI conspiracy.

Because Dotard is a known Pathological LIAR, not only in the US, but around the world, US allies are demanding proof, as Pompeo, another professional liar, says Iran is behind attacked in the gulf, esp since captains of the freighters that were hit dispute all the ‘facts’ from the LIARS trying to start another war.

Pompeo Claims There’s ‘No Doubt’ Iran Attacked Tankers, But U.S. Allies Want Proof Casting the Trump administration’s credibility gap into sharp relief, allies like Japan and Germany have demanded more “credible” evidence to support the U.S. claim. r European leaders have also been hesitant to lay the blame on Iran ― a doubt fueled in part by their “distrust of the Trump administration and its hawkish policy toward Tehran,”

Dotard LOVES to quote the phony Rasmussen Poll, that relies on FOX viewers, BUT when polls come out that show him trialing, in nearly every swing state that allowed him override the popular vote in 2016

the fat clown freaks out, and FIRES the pollsters that told the truth. There’s a lot you can get away with in the Orange Clown’s White House, BUT, telling the truth isn’t one of them, esp when it comes to admitting that MOST of the country can’t stand him. In the immortal words of the second rate reality TV star, You’re FIRED! Meanwhile, in the MidEast, Dotard’s henchmen are pushing for wa with Iran, a typical Pub ‘fix’ when things are looking sown, AND, Dotard’s buddies in Saudi Arabia, Big Oil and esp Russia couldn’t be happier with another shooting war in the MidEast that would spike the price of oil, just like GW and The Dick’s ‘Oops no WMD’s’ fiasco. VA hospitals in the US, already full of Viet Nam and Iraq casualties? Not so much. But when have the Pubs cared about them?

In his interview with George Stephanopoulos, Dotard admitted he didn’t read Mueller’s report, (DUH, as if he had an attention span over 2 minutes),

and he continually said the report cleared him of all obstruction, which it OBVIOUSLY didn’t, and when George said NO, it didn’t clear him of obstruction, the Liar in Chief called him a ‘Little Wiseass’. Typical response from the Russian backed, narcissist bully who happens to be a Pathological LIAR, by every sense of the definition. BUT, the gullible crowd(R) is willing to overlook all that, cuz his totally unpaid for, tax cut for the 1% has the US economy, which was GREAT when he took it over, doing well while his tariffs and other economic crap is wrecking the world economy, to the dismay of our former allies. These are the same Repubs who have claimed, year after year after year after year, etc to have a Big Beautiful Health Care Plan, BUT, have NEVER let anyone know what it is. The same ones who constantly stall, even when having all three parts of the govt, to implement their Big Beautiful Infrastructure Plan, that is backed by the Dems. This is the ‘Fiscally Responsible’...

As Dotard sinks in the polls, I have a word of warning....

Look out Iran, this is a REPUBLICAN, who needs a war in so many ways, and that’s how they deal with bad news. Start another war..... Cover your ass, Iranians, cuz Fat Donny’s gonna come for you, with the clowns at FOX and the ‘total idiot’ Tom Cotton(R) already calling for a ‘shooting war’, to ‘teach ‘em a lesson’, AND the VA hospitals have a few empty beds, which the Pubs can’t stand.

At least the asshole hasn’t had ‘e KILLED, like his buddy Kim one Un did with his negotiating team.... At least YET....

Yup, the Liar in Chief’s henchmen actually reported the TRUTH, so they are FIRED! Screw him and the ignorant sheep he rode in on. President Donald Trump's campaign says it will fire several pollsters after internal polling numbers that showed the President lagging behind Democratic presidential candidates in key states were made public, according to two campaign officials.

The perfect spokesperson for the Liar in Chief. I’m sure it’s on to FOX’news’ where they can always use another professional LIAR.


Wow, I’m shocked...

Dotard and his henchmen(R) are shown to be f-in’ LIARS on the world stage, AGAIN, as the owners of the Japanese freighter say the US is LYING about the ‘Limpet bombs’ supposedly planted by Iran. Total BULLSHIT from the Trumpies as we’ve all come to expect. They were hit by a missle/shell, fired at Pompeo/Bolton orders, trying to start ANOTHER Pub war, that they can blame on Iran, and start another MidEast War. This will only delay them, not STOP them OMG! What will it take for the gullible sheep to see what the whole world knows.... Dotard is a LIAR that can’t be trusted to to say what day of the week it is, let alone anything important. Screw him and the gullible sheep he rode in on, as we are on the way to another Pub war to boost the price of oil, that enriches ALL the bad guys (Big Oil, Russia, Saudis) Dotard’s buddies, while stealing from ALL our pockets....... If you can’t see what’s SO obvious you are obviously a head up your ass FOXSheep who swallows the Repub line. No...

I told you Dotard and his lying henchmen(R) were LYING about Iran planting ‘mines’ on the oil tankers.

One ship captain said it was a TORPEDO that his his ship. Thee other captain swears it was a ‘projectile’. The LYING a-holes, at the command of the Liar in Chief, are determined to start a war with Iran, and they don’t care WHAT it takes. And LYING is their specialty. Too bad when it was OBVIOUS, from the beginning, that Iran was telling the truth and the US War Machine is LYING. Same old shit as the Pubs march us into war.... Japanese oil tanker owner disagrees with US military that a mine caused blast near Iran The Japanese owner of one of the oil tankers attacked near Iran on Thursday said that the vessel was struck by a projectile and not by a mine. “We received reports that something flew towards the ship,” Yutaka Katada, president of Kokuka Sangyo, says. On Thursday, U.S. Central Command said that the Japanese oil tanker Kokuka Courageous had an “unexploded limpet mine on their hull following an initial explosion.” BULLSHIT! AND, the LIARS even made a ‘fake’ video...

Wow, I’m shocked....

Dotard’s and his henchmen have ‘stiffed’ at least ten us cites for the bills racked up by his campaign rallies, fore and after his election. Just SUE ‘em Fat Donny, or declare bankruptcy..... 06/13/2019 11:29 pm ET   Updated  4 hours ago 10 Cities Are Waiting For Trump Campaign To Pay $841,000 In Rally Bills Five of them have been stuck with unpaid bills dating back to 2016

What? Dotard fire KellyAnne Conjob for ‘ethics’ violations?

Are you kidding? This is the party whose VERY FIRST ACTIONS, on their first night, was to hold a late-night, closed door meeting to KILL the Ethics Committee. Remember? Repubs and Ethics, like oil and water, or Truth and Trump. They just don’t mix and never the Twain she’ll meet.  KellyAnne getting fired for CONTINUALLY breaking the law by politicizing her role is as unlikely to happen as Fat Donny admitting he’s in the ‘Obese’ category of weight. Never gonna happen. According to Dotard, Laws and Taxes are ‘for the others’, not him and his people, as subpoenas, like KellayAnne’s violations mean NOTHING to the swamp creatures. 239 lbs, my ass......

With US allies in the region asking for restraint, Pompeo and Bolton have their own ideas, shown in their latest quote.

After withdrawing from the Iranian Deal, which ALL the other nations involved agreed that they were following, Trump and the US has been baiting Iran with continually more and more sanctions. Now, they are ramping up stakes, claiming Iran is attacking freighters, something there is NO REASON for them to do. BUT, Dotard has MANY reasons, including ‘changing the subject’ from his impeachment and doubling the price of oil for his Repub and Russian buddies. Nothing would make Vlad, his handler, happier, and with the latest quote from Dotard’s administration Mr Putin is really starting to smile...... There is a saying that “rubble don’t make no trouble.” Since the U.S. has made good-faith efforts to deal with Iranian attacks via nonviolent means, it may be a good time to turn some of Iran’s military equipment into smoking wreckage.

Finally, the LIAR tells the truth. He’d gladly accept help from a foreign govt to win an election, AGAIN.....


Why have a press secretary when she won’t hold press conferences? Sarah became a ‘joke’, passing on LIES from the Liar in Chief, about every three months, when the ‘real’ news would compare her bullshit to reality and we’d all get a laugh.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders handled her job like a drunk person at a traffic stop denying she's in a car at all. 5,129 2:29 PM - Jun 13, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy BREAKING: Sarah Sanders resigns, goes back to lying for free 24.9K 2:17 PM - Jun 13, 2019 we're seated at the precipice of fascism and Sarah Sanders was instrumental in unabashedly ushering in that state of affairs. may she walk a path strewn with legos in her bare feet for the remainder of her days. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the grotesquely rude pathological lying propaganda sycophant with no moral compass who proudly served a criminal is leaving our White House. Good riddance. May she be shamed and shunned for the rest of her miserable days. # ByeFelicia I'm not going to believe that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving as White House press secretary until she denies it herself. 80.7K 2:24 PM - Jun 13, 2019

Wow, here they go again....

The Pubs, with the Liar in Chief in charge, are trying to start another war, AGAIN, just like they did with the ‘Gulf of Tonkin’, totally BULLSHIT attacks that the Pubs used to start the Viet Nam War. Just like the Spanish American War was started by TOTAL LIES. There have been ‘mysterious’ attacks on oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, as Dotard needs something to ‘change the subject’ and he gets closer to impeachment with his buddy Putin desperately needing the price of oil to go higher. Not to mention the Repub  ‘bonus’ of higher oil prices and YUUUGE profits for the ‘military industrial complex’ that Ike warned us about. Just think of  the other wars in the ‘Oil Basket of the World’ that makes Texas oil, Halliburton and Schlumberge (all Pub contributors) stock to ‘skyrocket’, and consumes headlines that would wreck Fat Donny. The Iraq war has been going on for EIGHTEEN YEARS, costing TRILLIONS that could have given us all health care, like the rest of the world ...

Wow, say it ain’t so, Sarah.....

Yup, Sarah Hunkameat is ‘hittin’ the road’, after being one of the ‘jokes’ of Dotard’s administration, where she was relegated to ‘nothingness’, cuz Fat Donny completely STOPPED the time honored ‘White House Press Conference’, cuz it became such a JOKE, as Sarah tried to keep a straight face as she delivered the latest ‘LINE” from the Liar in Chief while ignoring all pertinent questions and continuing her ‘canned’ sermon, lecturing all those who didn’t swallow her crap, and banishing all those who called ‘Bullshit’. SOOOO, where does a Professional LIAR go for her second act? To FOX ‘News’ obviously, where she can take full advantage of her special ‘Talent’, that is being able to lie her ass off, with a straight face, AS IF, everyone doesn’t KNOW she’s lying her fat ass off. She’ll be a Rock Star at Bullshit Mountain where LYING is an art, and the sheep line up to swallow the crap., backing the Russian backed conman.

Dotard, the Russian-backed Liar iin Chief, mistakenly ‘told the truth’ for a change when asked if he’d accept (MORE) help from a foreign govt to win another election.

’Of course I would’, the scam artist admitted in a rare show of candor. The NYC conman, who KNOWS he couldn’t have won in 2016 with the help of our enemies who desperately wanted him to win, and were successful beyond their wildest dreams, by spreading lies that only the most gullible and ignorant among us (their votes count just as much as intelligent voters) would swallow, (cuz they are used to FOXNews and southern preachers) put a price tag on his forehead by encouraging more foreign involvement (FRAUD!) in US elections. Do the gullible, clueless clowns(R) have a problem with that? Of Course Not, as long as it puts a Repub ass in the White House, and absolutely NO ONE is surprised.....

File it under ‘DUH’, ya think?

Conservative columnist and Republican Party ex-pat George Will slammed President Donald Trump on Thursday for causing more damage to the United States than former President Richard Nixon. And another former pal of the prez, Lindsay Graham(R), says Dotard’s ‘Emergency’ to sell arms to the Saudi’s, bypassing Congress, is FAKE and he should be stopped. What? Two Repubs with a backbone calling out the Liar in Chief? I’m shocked...... Speaking of Dotard, the jerk(R) proved again what an idiot he is, calling Prince Charles, the ‘Prince of Whales’, an apt title for 239 lb (HA!, who wants to bet?) ‘Fat Donny’. Dotard may be good at scamming real estate developers and making a fortune with his Army of Lawyers directing him into multiple bankruptcies, but when it comes to normal intelligence the Pathological LIAR would be right at home in the third grade......

As John Dean testified about Nixon, and the parallels to Dotard, Fat Donny called him a loser who went to prison.

Oh REALLY? Sorta like HIS lawyer and his campaign manager who are ALSO in prison. Yup, the criminal in the White House is a LOT like Tricky Dicky, as his henchmen went to prison, before the Repub resigned, before he could be impeached. Don’t you just love them Pub LYING CRIMINALS? Neither do I.....

Am going to ‘borrow’ the words from my buddy Dave, who warns us about the upcoming ‘Fake’ videos, like the one recently, of Nancy Pelosi ‘slurring’ her speech like she was drunk.

The Pubs passed it off as ‘real’ until the actual video showed up, and FOX never did acknowledge the  fakery, as their gullible audience ate it up. The bad news?  We’re gonna see a lot more, with the Russians gladly helping Dotard again, leading up to the next election, esp after the Pubs learned how well it worked with John Kerry being Swift Boated, where the LYING Repub ad had us all convinced those were actual veterans and Swift Boat Captains, as they lied their asses off, VERY effectively. Who knows how many votes were lost to the fake (Russian and others) ads like the Pope endorsing Trump, and all the Pizza Gate (and the like) bullshit. You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet, as my buddy Dave is warning us about the upcoming onslaught. Just remember the average Trump voter believes in Noah’s Ark and that Dotard is a ‘born again’ Christian. But by then the damage will be done.  Look how effective the blatant lies that William Barr told the American public about the concl...

File it under ‘DUH’....

John Heilemann Calls ‘Bulls**t’ On Sean Hannity’s ‘Business Model Built On Lies’ “The business model of Fox News is to create an alternative reality that is destroying the country,”

All my life I’ve listened to the ‘holier than thou’ Christians, who now have Dotard as ‘their boy’.

If there’s a worse example of HYOCRISY I can’t imagine it, as the Russian-backed, NYC conman, Pussy Grabbing, Pathological LIAR is now their Poster Boy. Again, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand. Nothing new here......

It’s amazing that ANY state would allow such idiotic, rightwingnut, religious bullshit, BUT, many states, and almost ALL the Backward Bible Belt, Dotard loving, Repub base states still allow ‘conversion therapy’, for people who were ‘born gay’.

Just one reason to prove ‘they don’t have a clue’ when it comes to real-life matters vs their medieval beliefs. Remember when YOU had to choose? Straight or gay? Wow, what a hard choice that was, but, the same crowd who believes in Noah’s Ark will sentence their own child to the hell of ‘conversion therapy’ that all science PROVES doesn’t work. And these idiots vote..... Straight Republican....... Colorado is the latest state to move to ban gay conversion therapy for minors, aligning Colorado's policies with the consensus among leading medical and mental health professional organizations.  Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, signed a bill Friday that prohibits health care professionals from engaging in conversion therapy for patients under the age of 18.  "Colorado has joined a growing list of states that have banned so-called conversion therapy,"  Polis said in a statement  posted to his social media. "It's a tortuous practice that has long been widely-dis...

We’re TIRED of waiting, let’s hear the Mueller report to START with....Barr has just been thoroughly contradicted by the special counsel. Mueller’s public appearance makes all the more stunning Barr’s action in stepping in to all but exonerate the president 25 days before releasing even a redacted version of Mueller’s report which explicitly stated the opposite. This pattern of behavior by Barr is rooted in his unsolicited memo to the White House and the Justice Department auditioning for attorney general six months before he was nominated.


Ever wonder what goes on in a lunatic’s brain? Here ya go, as Dotard talks about Mueller, who he calls ‘fool’. OMG, this asshole is prez of the US.....

‘’Let me tell you, he made such a fool out of himself the last time she -- because what people don’t report is the letter he had to do to straighten out his testimony because his testimony was wrong but Nancy Pelosi, I call her nervous Nancy, Nancy Pelosi doesn’t talk about it,” Trump told Fox News.  “And then ask Nancy, why is her district [having] drug needles all over the place? It’s the most disgusting thing what she’s allowed to happen to her district, with needles, with drug addicts... with people living on the sidewalk.” And then Fat Donny went on to REALLY go off the rails, as the rest of the world honored the vets of D-day......

A higher percentage of people want to impeach Trump than wanted to impeach Nixon at the beginning of Watergate, and Trump has done MUCH MORE criminal activity than Tricky Dicky ever thought of.

That’s why I agree with Nancy Pelosi. Hold off until there’s an iron-clad case, that even the clueless, gullible sheep can see. Let the MANY investigations play out, arrest those who ignore subpoenas, lock ‘em up ‘til they talk and send Fat Donny to prison, where the Russian-backed Pathological LIAR belongs, no matter how YUUUUGE his army of lawyers happens to be. "I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison," the House Speaker said, according to Politico. Pelosi's reasoning stems from her desire to see Trump defeated in the 2020 election so that he can face criminal prosecution.

The a-hole just keeps getting worse....

The lack of fetal tissue for medical research will be devastating to scientists across the U.S. who are using such tissue for cutting-edge research on many debilitating diseases (including cancer, dementia, H.I.V. and blindness, among others). But the real intent of this regressive and inhumane legislation is to further bond Trump’s most fervent supporters even more strongly to Trump – so that  nothing  Trump does, no matter how illegal, immoral and grossly-unconstitutional, will make a dent in the rabid level of support he receives from his base.  In short, it’s another log tossed onto the fire of the Culture War – appealing to those far-right fanatics and garden-variety bigots who understand and applaud the real meaning of “Make America Great Again”: the step-by-step eradication of all the progress on Human and Civil Rights.

Like Wanda Sykes said in her ‘It Ain’t Normal’ special, “it ain’t normal to know you are WAY smarter than the president of the United States, BUT, there is no doubt about it, cuz the dumbshit just keeps proving the fact, like his conversation with Prince Charles about Climate Change.

The ignorant jerk doesn’t know the difference between weather, climate, Global Warming, Climate Change and Extreme Weather. SO, he just bubbles through, assuming everyone is as ignorant as he is, when it only applies to the one third of the population, who get their ‘news’ from FOXLies. “I believe there is a change in weather, and I think it changes both ways,” Trump told Piers Morgan in  an interview that aired on “Good Morning Britain” Wednesday . “Don’t forget, it used to be called global warming; that wasn’t working, then it’s called climate change, and now it’s called extreme weather.” OMG!  And yup, I am WAY smarter than that ignorant asshole, who doesn’t know that the Greenhouse Effect caused Global Warming that causes Climate Change, which includes Extreme Weather. Yup, Wanda, it ain’t normal... BTW, the clueless jerk saw the thousands of protesters in London and thought they were CHEERING for him, calling the protests ‘Fake News’. Right Fat Donny, and the B...

Remember when the Pubs used to pretend they were the party of ‘law and order’ and fiscal responsibility?Now they don’t even pretend anymore, as they did a YUUUGE tax cut for the richest 1% and the top corporations as the deficit skyrockets by trillions.

And, they’ve tossed out any semblance of obeying the law by ignoring subpoenas and BURYING the Mueller Report, refusing to let the Dems even see it after Mueller claims Dotard obstructed justice at least ten times, while McTurtleface gloats over stealing the Supreme Court seat and says he’ll steal another one if he gets the chance. PLUS, we have Fat Donny refusing to allow any looks at his income taxes and financial records which would PROVE what both of his sons say about turning to Russia for loans after US money ‘dried up’ after all his bankruptcies. Do the HYPOCRITES give a shit about a Russian-backed conman, beholding to Russian banks who averages over a DOZEN LIES PER DAY? Not one tiny bit......

The Military is warning about threats to the US as Arctic ice melts and opens channels for Russian and Chineses ships.

What? Didn’t the Pubs assure us that Climate Change is a Chinese hoax, supported by whacko Dems? Just one more of their bullshit claims, fed to the sheep and swallowed by the ignorant masses who actually believe FOX ‘news’. The same crowd who gave us the Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing, NYC conman/Pathological LIAR. Thanks again, gullible idiots. Senior U.S. and military officials are warning Congress about the potential threat to national security from melting ice in the Arctic. Officials from the Office of National Intelligence and the Pentagon say climate change will open the Arctic to more ship traffic and commercial activities by Russia and China and create potential sources of conflict. Read Newsmax:  US Officials: Arctic Thawing Poses National Security Concern |

Capt Bonespurs strikes again.... I’m so old I can remember when the Repubs wouldn’t stand for a Russian-backed clown like Fat Donny...


Am reading a book of outdoor stories, (If You Can See the Truck You’re Not Really Lost), and the author, had a great line.

‘I was raised Christian, but it never really took. Jesus and I are still looking for each other.’ Good way of getting his point across. And then there was this one about his buddy, a self-employed carpenter, who never let the necessity of ‘making a living’ interfere with the luxury living, itself. I resemble that remark... to some extent.

The Pathological LIAR is at it again, saying he never said Megan Markle was ‘nasty’..

BUT, it was recorded for all to hear, when he said, ‘I never knew Megan Markle was so nasty’. What? You mean Fat Donny LIES? Pretending we can’t trust our ears? What is that, like LIE number 11,684? Yup, the same asshole who says the noise from windmills causes cancer, the Russians helped Hillary more than him, tariffs are paid by China and his Megan Markle LIE is Fake News. But, NOTHING the asshole could do or say will stop the gullible sheep from kissing his ass and swallowing his crap. Nothing new here.....

Can you imagine Repub reaction if Obama had done half the crap Dotard has done? Nothing but total HYPOCRITES.....


How long can Congressional Repubs ignore the damage Trump has done to their party and our country. From today’s Denver Post:

When one talks privately with Republican members of Congress about a president who lurches from Tweet  to taunt, who, according to those who have worked closely beside him, is incapable of telling the truth even in mundane situations; who accepts the word of President Vladimir Putin and rejects the unanimous judgment of our intelligence community that Russia launched a cyberattack at the very heart of our democracy; and whose toxic combination of egotism and insecurity distorts the basic process of governing, they express their disdain and alarm at how he conducts the nation’s business, but they won’t stand up to him for fear of ‘losing their jobs’. I could go on and on, but if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand....

The perfect remembrance of Dotard has to be....

that idiot ascending Air Force One with toilet paper on his shoe, with the wind blowing up his combover so he looks like Darth Vader and he gets to the top and can’t figure it out how to fold an umbrella, so the dumbshit just drops it and walks on, probably to send a $130,000 check to a porn star, which he’s LIE about, before going to visit his dictator buddies, and then wrecking the world economy with his dumbass tariffs. You jerks(R) should be SO PROUD of your Russian-backed boy.....

I’m not NOT saying Dotard is a Russian-backed Pathological LIAR.

AND, I’m not NOT saying the people who can look at this asshole aren’t NOT morons. And, these clueless jerks(R) aren’t NOT gullible idiots. Like Robert Mueller, who says he’s not NOT saying that Fat Donny didn’t commit crimes. I hope Robert and I haven’t NOT made ourselves clear, for the low IQ sheep who don’t NOT understand plain English.

Wow, I’m SHOCKED. The latest shooter in Virginia is another ‘vet’ of the Repub wars, based on LIES, that sacked our Treasury and filled the VA hospitals.

The Pubs scream about the ‘criminals’ coming in from Mexico, BUT, the yuuuuge majority of mass shooters are ex, or active, military guys who’ve brought their PTSD problems home with them and take it out on innocent people. Google it any way you want. The vast majority of shooters are US military, screwed up by Repub wars.   And now Dotard, Bolton and the Repub hawks are beating the drums for ANOTHER Pub war in the Mideast. Just what Putin, the Saudis and US Big Oil wants. A shooting war with Iran, to put trillions in the pockets of ‘Defense’ contractors and double the price of oil. Don’t you just love ‘em(R)? The war mongers, (Oops, no WMD’s), who fill our VA hospitals and put the shooters on the streets? Neither do I......

I used to agree with Nancy Pelosi that it would be of no use to start Impeachment proceedings against Dotard, cuz Pubs control the Senate and they wouldn’t go along with it even if he sold the White House to the Russians and put his buddy Kim Jong Un in charge of the US military. But I’ve changed my mind.

Impeachment hearings have to start, just to get Fat Donny’s crimes and sins out into the light of day, so all the morons who just get their ‘news’ from FOX can hear what he’s actually said and done. Most of them don’t have a clue as to what he’s done, though those that do don’t give a shit. Who knows, if the FOXSheep actually heard the TRUTH, they might reverse their anal.cranial inversions and realize what 2/3 of us know. The ego-maniacal, Pathological LIAR is totally incompetent to run the US and has to be removed, by force if necessary, cuz there’s NO WAY he’s leaving on his own even if/when he’s voted out. He’ll claim ‘Fraud’ and lock himself in. Start impeachment NOW and get the facts in front of the people, starting with the TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION that Mueller documented in his report. Just the denial of lawfully served subpoenas by Fat Donny’s henchmen, at his instruction, is OBSTRUCTION by itself. Go for it, and impeach his fat ass.......

The Pubs LOVE to scream about SOCIALISM!

 It’s terrible, and those damn Dems want Socialism! BUT, when Dotard spends BILLIONS to buy the votes of the idiots who elected him, by sending over $27 BILLION, and counting, to the farmers who are hurt by his stupid decisions, the Pure Socialism is FINE with gullible crowd that elected him. Nothing new here, as the HYPOCRITES who elected Dotard see No Problem with the Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing Pathological LIAR who sits in the White House, as long as the Socialism benefits THEM.