Ever wonder what goes on in a lunatic’s brain? Here ya go, as Dotard talks about Mueller, who he calls ‘fool’. OMG, this asshole is prez of the US.....

‘’Let me tell you, he made such a fool out of himself the last time she -- because what people don’t report is the letter he had to do to straighten out his testimony because his testimony was wrong but Nancy Pelosi, I call her nervous Nancy, Nancy Pelosi doesn’t talk about it,” Trump told Fox News. 
“And then ask Nancy, why is her district [having] drug needles all over the place? It’s the most disgusting thing what she’s allowed to happen to her district, with needles, with drug addicts... with people living on the sidewalk.”
And then Fat Donny went on to REALLY go off the rails, as the rest of the world honored the vets of D-day......


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