Wow, here they go again....

The Pubs, with the Liar in Chief in charge, are trying to start another war, AGAIN, just like they did with the ‘Gulf of Tonkin’, totally BULLSHIT attacks that the Pubs used to start the Viet Nam War.
Just like the Spanish American War was started by TOTAL LIES.
There have been ‘mysterious’ attacks on oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, as Dotard needs something to ‘change the subject’ and he gets closer to impeachment with his buddy Putin desperately needing the price of oil to go higher.
Not to mention the Repub  ‘bonus’ of higher oil prices and YUUUGE profits for the ‘military industrial complex’ that Ike warned us about.
Just think of  the other wars in the ‘Oil Basket of the World’ that makes Texas oil, Halliburton and Schlumberge (all Pub contributors) stock to ‘skyrocket’, and consumes headlines that would wreck Fat Donny.
The Iraq war has been going on for EIGHTEEN YEARS, costing TRILLIONS that could have given us all health care, like the rest of the world enjoys.
Think about it, you gullible, clueless rightwingnuts......
Their bullshit couldn’t be more obvious as they try to start another war in the MidEast, as Big Oil, Big Defense and the Pub Party has everything to gain. AGAIN!
Same old shit, from the same old criminals(R), as the next war gets uncomfortably closer, with the big LOSERS being young soldiers and the VA hospitals being FILLED again, with Repub patients and the US Treasury which is the Piggy Bank of the Repub War Machine.

There is NO WAY Iran would attack us, BUT, YUUUUGE reasons Dotard would attack them.
Can you imagine if the Dems had a LYING, Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing, NYC conman like Fat Donny in the White House?
OMG! Pitchforks and torches, with the clowns at FOX going absolutely insane......

C’mon, show me where I’m wrong, you gullible, clueless rightwingnuts....... I can only hope YOUR kids/grandkids  get chawed up in another Pub war you so ignorantly support.


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