Dotard claims he doesn’t want a war with Iran, but his buddies in the area, Russia and Saudi Arabia would like nothing better.

AND, with the second ‘acting’ Sec of Defense, the actual power behind the throne is held by Mike Pompeo and John Bolton who would LOVE to have a shooting war with Iran and haven’t been shy about saying it, although Pompeo is a bit muzzled as the current Sec of State.
The new-cons who started the last war, based on LIES, are the same ones who are now bitching about Iran breaking the rules of the Iran Pact that the Trumpies WITHDREW from.
SOOO, while the Liar in Chief claims he doesn’t want war, everyone around him, incl Vlad and his buddies the Saudi sheiks would LOVE to see the US bomb Iran and have their oil double or triple in value, while the military loves nothing more than trying our their new weapons, as they’ve been sending more soldiers, bombers and carrier groups to the region, ‘just in case’.
Does anyone really think that Dotard(R) and his crew(R) would hesitate to start another Mideast war(R), esp if the Orange Clown thought he was being perceived as ‘weak’?
If I was an Iranian I’d ‘get my ass outta Dodge’ while the gettin’s good, which won’t be for long.
Throw in the fact that several investigations of the Russian backed LIAR are due to conclude, which will show his strong financial relationships to Russia and you’ll have a belligerent incompetent Commander in Cheat with his hand on the button, just to change the subject.
It’s not IF, but WHEN the Pathological LIAR decides to attack, to change the subject and save his own fat ass.


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