Russel Crowe was on the Colbert Show, plugging ‘THe Loudest Voice in the Room’, the Roger Ailes story

Yup, this ‘unbiased’ ‘News’ network creator went from advisor to Nixon, Reagan and GHWBush, to providing news (ha ha) for the sheep, and they swallow it.
Wow, who da thunk that FOX was created by someone who wants the news to be what they WISH it could be, and the sheep swallow it.
Yup, they ‘make it up’ and the sheep swallow it. And the clowns swallowing it see ‘No Problem with it, and go to sleep each night thinking they are ‘informed’. Then they listen to a TV preacher telling them about Noah’s Ark and they REALLY get informed. Roger Ailes. Despicable as he was, was no idiot. He knew there was a YUUUGE overlap between the Thumpers and Repubs. Billion dollar idea.
Yup, they watch One Side of th news, with an overreaching motto. Dems BAD—-Pubs GOOD, and they swallow it all.
No Problem, IF you are a gullible, clueless, low IQ moron.
Otherwise, YUUUUUGE problem.......
And that’s how we get Dotard, the Russian backed Liar in Chief, as prez, who’s lied OVER TEN THOUSAND TIMES, and the sheep have No Problem.......
Thanks again, ROger and Karl. 


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