The a-hole just keeps getting worse....

The lack of fetal tissue for medical research will be devastating to scientists across the U.S. who are using such tissue for cutting-edge research on many debilitating diseases (including cancer, dementia, H.I.V. and blindness, among others).

But the real intent of this regressive and inhumane legislation is to further bond Trump’s most fervent supporters even more strongly to Trump – so that nothing Trump does, no matter how illegal, immoral and grossly-unconstitutional, will make a dent in the rabid level of support he receives from his base.  In short, it’s another log tossed onto the fire of the Culture War – appealing to those far-right fanatics and garden-variety bigots who understand and applaud the real meaning of “Make America Great Again”: the step-by-step eradication of all the progress on Human and Civil Rights.


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