Wow, say it ain’t so, Sarah.....

Yup, Sarah Hunkameat is ‘hittin’ the road’, after being one of the ‘jokes’ of Dotard’s administration, where she was relegated to ‘nothingness’, cuz Fat Donny completely STOPPED the time honored ‘White House Press Conference’, cuz it became such a JOKE, as Sarah tried to keep a straight face as she delivered the latest ‘LINE” from the Liar in Chief while ignoring all pertinent questions and continuing her ‘canned’ sermon, lecturing all those who didn’t swallow her crap, and banishing all those who called ‘Bullshit’.

SOOOO, where does a Professional LIAR go for her second act?

To FOX ‘News’ obviously, where she can take full advantage of her special ‘Talent’, that is being able to lie her ass off, with a straight face, AS IF, everyone doesn’t KNOW she’s lying her fat ass off.

She’ll be a Rock Star at Bullshit Mountain where LYING is an art, and the sheep line up to swallow the crap., backing the Russian backed conman.


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