During Dotard’s entire presidency he’s ranged between the mid thirty percent with a high at the mid forties. NO WAY can he win an election with those numbers.

BUT, when his pollsters told him, he FIRED them.
FOXNews just released their polls and it’s just the same, with Joe Biden beating him badly, and all the top five Dems beating him soundly.
The gullible sheep have maintained the same loyalty since his first day, BUT, he hasn’t moved UP, at all and there is NO middle ground. You either swallow the FOX/Fat Donny crap OR you hate his Russian backed guts.
No middle ground, and this is before we even see the blacked out Mueller report or any of the FIFTEEN investigations into his financing and Russian ties come out.
Just call him toast, BUT, he has a year and a half to totally wreck our country and the world with his incompetent bullshit that has already wrecked the world economy.
Look out Iran, we know what desperate Repubs do, to change the subject.


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