A modest proposal, to show actions have consequences.

How about the same gullible jackasses who voted to put the Russian backed, LYING, incompetent conman in the White House be the ones to PAY for his bullshit?
Yup, if Dotard starts a war in the MidEast, as he takes us dangerously to the brink, why don’t those jerks who are responsible for Fat Donny send thousands of THEIR sons and daughters to the other side of the world, (where people HATE them, for good reason), AND, those same gullible ignorant jerks oughta PAY for the next Pub war, like the one based on LIES, that cost us TRILLIONS and filled the VA hospitals after GW and The Dick LIED in their ‘Ooooops, No WMDs’ fiasco.

Seems fair to me, that the idiots(R), not ALL of us, oughta pay for their mistakes.


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