While shoveling the shit to the gullible sheep on Rush Limbaugh’s show last night the Liar in Chief claimed he’d had dinner with Mark Zuckerberg,

and Mark congratulated him for being #1 on Facebook, which is a Big Fat LIE, like most of them shit from his vile mouth.
The dinner was last October and the LYING piece of crap isn’t in the top 20 in follows, or likes, or any other measurement on Facebook, BUT, the gullible ignorant sheep who listen to Dotard and Rush, and swallow their shit, just got pimped AGAIN.
Nothing new here, as the lying jackass has lied over 15,000 times since his election, about anything and everything while his head up their ass minions either don’t know, or don’t care that the prez of the US is a LYING, Russian backed conman who has alienated the world cuz no one can believe a word the LYING sack of shit says.
Number one on Facebook, just his latest lie.
No, hold it, that was yesterday. I’m sure he’s lied MANY times since then.
Wanna bet?


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