The HYPOCRITES(R) are showing their hands. McTurtleface is trying to avoid ANY witnesses at the Liar in Chief’s trial.

Yup, the jackasses don’t wanna hear from HIS PEOPLE, or Dotard’s himself, cuz if these jerks(R), have to testify, under oath, Fat Donny is done. Guilty, convicted, Impeached!
Sooo, McTurtleface is gonna have a TRIAL, with NO witnesses and NO documents.
Th bought and paid for A-hole from Kentucky has the power to totally f**kup the system, SO, he’s trying his hardest to keep the Liar in Chief from facing any charges/witnesses/documents/etc, cuz th guilty bastard would get an orange jumpsuit if justice gets a hear from the Pathological LIAR, protected by his Army of Lawyers who are fighting to silence anyone who knows what actually happened.
If 8n doubt just remember, an innocent person would LOVE to hear from witnesses.
The guilty, Russian backed bastard is fighting them all.......


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