One thing that’s overlooked, is WHY the sheep,support the Russian backed, pussy grabbing, LYING, conman, no matter WHAT he says or does.

It’s obvious....
It’s cuz no matter HOW BAD the jackass is, he’s obviously better than the alternative, a Democratic.
And how do thy know this?
Cuz Bullshit Mountain has continually preached how terrible the Dems are.
The sheep all know that AOC, and ‘the crew’ are typical Dems, and Dems wanna;

Take your guns!
Open the borders to anyone and everyone!
Replace Capitalism with Socialism!
Outlaw saying ‘Merry Christmas’.

All LIES, but lies that are hammered home, to the gullible sheep, who swallow FOXCrap.

Bottom line, FOX has painted Dems as Devils who will ruin our country, SO, no matter how bad the LYING conman is, he’s still better than Democrats.

Congratulations, Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch for the best conjob in American history, as the Russian backed conman saw his chance, backed by FOXLies, and took over our country, cuz the sheep get their ‘news’ in one place. The Repub Propaganda Network.


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