FOXNews, the Repub Propaganda Machine, created by Roger Ailes, as a platform for the Pub Party to disseminate what they WISH was real news,

is pissed about the movie Bombshell, that tells the story of Gretchen Carlson and Megan Kelly, and many female interns, who were sexually harassed by the pig in charge of the fake news fiasco.
They say the movie is total lies and inaccuracies, BUT, the women who were involved say it is ‘right on’.
You mean Bullshit Mountain would LIE to the gullible, ignorant sheep who get their ‘news’ from them?
Ha ha ha ha......
Speaking of the sexual harassment from longtime Fox anchor Bill O'Reilly and Roger Ailes. "They got a lot right, but they got a lot-- not wrong, but it was a little weird."


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