Six-in-10 support keeping stay-at-home restrictions to fight coronavirus
That’s about the same number that are bothered by the fact that we have a Russian backed conman, a morally and financially bankrupt, Pathologically LYING conman in the White House.
But the sheep don’t care about the LYING, incompetent jackass, who makes Cabinet appointments like he’s trying to top himself in the JOKE Dept.
Which will we get rid of first?
The coronavirus is doing much less permanent damage....
Screw Dotard and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on.
But the sheep don’t care about the LYING, incompetent jackass, who makes Cabinet appointments like he’s trying to top himself in the JOKE Dept.
Which will we get rid of first?
The coronavirus is doing much less permanent damage....
Screw Dotard and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on.