One of Dotard’s Chief henchmen, Mitch McTurtleface, bitches about Blue States, saying they oughta go bankrupt,

rather than have govt help.
What the dumbass doesn’t admit, is that New York, just for one example, puts $116 BIllion more into the govt pot that it receives, while his Kentucky Bible Belt losers take more than $148 Billion more than they put in.
California taxes support about a third of the Bible Belt....
Typical Red vs Blue state numbers, where ONLY TWO Red states contribute more than they take in.
Think about it,
Red States, as they bitch about the Blue States, (of which 12 of the top 13 states in income/education are all blue), are almost ALL charity cases, supported by the brains in Blue States.
The Red State beggars couldn’t exist without the Blues paying the bills, BUT, to listen to the clowns at FOX, and the morons who swallow their crap, you’d think it was totally opposite.

Typical Bullshit Mountain bullshit, that the gullible, ignorant sheep believe.
BTW, 13 of 14 LOW END states, in income/education (shocking, but income/education are linked) are RED.
Look it up, it’s easy.....
Wow, who da thunk?
Anyone with a functioning brain, that’s who. FOXSheep,obviously excluded.


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