As the world fights COVID19, Bullshit Mountain has their own agenda, as their main headline revisits old ground.

Yup, the clowns are after Hillary again, over a three decades old charge against Biden, as they ignore DOZENS of women that Dotard attacked, and DIDNY pay off, while Dotard recommends injecting disinfectants like Clorox.
Some things never change.....

EXCLUSIVE: Tara Reade blasts Clinton for backing Biden, 'enabling a sexual predator'

Yup, the Pandumbic at FOX is differet as they want us to inject bleach, making us white inside, as well as on the surface.
Dr Jingelheimer von Trump is claiming ‘sarcasm’ which it OBVIOUSLY wasn’t.
Sarcasm was when the jackass took the oath of office.
How did the asshole keep from laughing out loud?

Now he wants the West Point cadets, over a thousand, to travel from their homes, to be present at a political rally for the moron who CRAVES TV time, and bases everything on ‘ratings’.

Screw him and the gullible, ignorant sheep he rode in on.


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