Hypocrites(R) with a capital H. The jerks(R) don’t want to wear masks, or wait til the plague passes SO,

they are bitchin about the rules, and have the nerve to say, ‘my body my choice’.
OMG, these are the same assholes who voted for Dotard cuz he’s the anti-abortion guy, although he was pro abortion his entire life, until he found out the yokels would vote for him if he changed his spiel.
So many of the jerks say, ‘ yup, I know he’s a totally incompetent, Russian backed, LYING conman BUT, he’s pro life, so nothing else matters.’ (click Read more)
Now these same morons wanna go against all science, and break from quarantine before the threat is gone, endangering us ALL, and their new motto is, ‘my body, my choice’.
Screw the ignorant, gullible jerks, who don’t even understand the meaning of irony, when what THEY want trumps public safety, as they claim a woman’s right to her own body should be trumped by the Bible thumpers, BUT, when they wanna endanger us all, it’s DIFFERENT!
My body, my choice. Good slogan, if you’re consistent, which is another word the morons(R) don’t understand


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