I pride myself, for living in a rational, logical world. I can’t relate to Dotard’s base

SO, who’s the crazy one here?
The sheep who swallowed his, ‘It’s all gonna disappear, it’s a Hoax, the Dems are picking on me, deny the WHO test kits, and then blame WHO for delaying warnings?
How can anyone, even the sheep, be that stupid/ignorant/gullible?
Nothing nw here but What The Fuck is wrong with these morons?
Oh yeah, FOXNews, where you go for ‘news’, when you don’t want news.....
Thanks again, Karl Rove and Rupert Murdoch.
Look it up , sheep, and see how your NEWS organization was born.
It’s called propaganda, no matter HOW you look at it. As if you give a shit about the origin of your NEWS.
Bottom line, how do these ignorant morons even survive in this world as they swallow the crap from Rush, Sean and FOX, where TRUTH doesn’t matter? Dotard =20,000 LIES and counting.....


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