Again, I’ve gotten negative feedback for calling Dotard-supporting Repubs morons. Not all Pubs, like Cheney and Romney, but MOST of them,

 who support a LYING, pussy grabbing pig, who incited a riot and continues to push The Big Lie.

Okay, I gotta stop sending my beliefs to others, and posting them on social media.

But wait, I don’t do that. I just post my opinions on my Weblog/diary, or Blog.

And the morons who have a problem being called morons are coming to ME, to look at my views.

I’m NOT a Dem and there are a LOT of Biden’s views and programs I don’t agree with. BUT, he’s better than the pussy grabbing, lying pig.

Bottom line, I post here to unload my thoughts, so I don’t have to haul them around. And it works, for me.

SO, if you have a problem, too bad. Maybe you shouldn’t back an asshole(R) who’s tearing our country apart with his continual LIES.

I can understand an egotistical, lying jerk going for all the power he can grab, BUT, to have millions of Americans swallow his Bullshit?

That’s unbelievable, like Dotard himself.


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