How stoopid does Dotard think the American people are? Oh yeah, he’s dealing with FOXMorons. Never mind....

 Does the Liar in Chief think we don’t ALL know that it takes many hours, and even days to count all the votes?

He thinks the polls should close at 10:30 if he’s ahead?

OMG? If you ever wonder how gullible and ignorant these morons(R) are, just check out Dotard’s rant.

Trump last week called the 2020 election a "disgrace to our country." He said, "at 10:30 in the evening, everyone thought the election was over and that we had won. All of a sudden, late in the night, they closed up the tabulation centers and they came out with new numbers. This election is a disgrace to our country. And the whole world knows it and they're watching."

If there’s a TEST for moronic beliefs, this has to be near the top.

And this is what the asshole uses to ‘rally his troops’.

OMG! What an embarrassment to the country.

But, nothing new here.....


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