Buckle up, the worst is yet to come from the people that gave us glorified Pussy Grabbing, help from the Russians, over 30,000 LIES, misinformation about COVID and the vaccine, PLUS a violent insurrection to overturn the presidential election after the LOSER did all he could to ‘find’ votes that weren’t/aren’t there.

 Like most Democrats, I initially underestimated Donald Trump. I didn’t once imagine that Americans would vote Mr. Trump in, with his reputation as a multiply bankrupt, lying, cheating conman who bragged about his infidelities as he went after the ‘Christian’ vote.

Laughable, if not so effective among the gullible, ignorant rubes(R).

He was an obvious pig (see the “Access Hollywood” tape), a fraud (multiple failed businesses and bankruptcies) and a cheat (stiffing mom-and-pop vendors). Not to mention the blatant racism and misogyny. About the outcome, I was spectacularly wrong.

Then he falsely claimed the election was rigged and refused to concede. In doing so, Mr. Trump showed himself willing to undermine confidence in the democratic process, and in time he managed to convince nearly three-quarters of his supporters that the loser was actually the winner.

Then came the Capitol Hill insurrection, and, later, proof that Mr. Trump incited it, even hiring a lawyer, John Eastman, who wrote a detailed memo that can only be described as a road map for a coup. A recent Senate investigation documented frantic efforts by Mr. Trump to bully government officials to overturn the election. And yet I worry that many Americans are still blind, as I once was, to the authoritarian impulses that now grip Mr. Trump’s party. 

Am I shocked, or even surprised? Of course not. The morons(R) who swallow his crap are the same sheep that watch and swallow FOXNews, Rupert Murdoch’s blatant ‘Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD’ format that never deviates, no matter what the facts and obvious truths dictate.


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