I have often posted about ‘how/why did COVID shots become political?’ This letter to the editor refers to morons in Wyoming being ‘fiercely independent’, by not getting a shot to protect themselves and others.

 There is nothing fiercely independent about being anti-vax and anti-mask in a county where, according to this article, those views represent the attitude of the overwhelming majority.

What this is really about is:

• The ironclad cult conformity of being on the Trump/MAGA/Q team, regardless of the head-scratching fact that former President Donald Trump used to brag about being responsible for the vaccine’s “warp speed” development 

• Rejection of legitimate research based on scientific peer-reviewed studies in favor of believing every baseless claim that crosses your feed 

• “Owning the libs” 

No one should be portraying these people as brave, when they’re actually stupid


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