Interesting article this morning that helps to explain the mindset that Trump tapped into.

 Those who think, ‘I know what God thinks, and he thinks like me, and everyone else is wrong, cuz they don’t think like God and me.’

The same thinking that has led to most of the wars BY FAR, in the history of the world. God is on my side, and I’ll kill you if you don’t agree.

The blatant egotism, backed by total hypocrisy defines Trump’s herd of sheep that basically says, ‘Screw democracy/elections/etc, we know what’s best for everyone, cuz we follow Trump, who was chosen by God, cuz that’s what the preachers and FOXNews say.’

Insane, but just look at all the flag and Jesus motifs among the nutballs who stormed the Capitol trying to overturn the election, with ZERO evidence of of it being Stolen. BUT, ‘God is on their side’, in their feeble brains. Trump is God’s Chosen One, while he looks MUCH more like the AntiChrist to anyone who looks at his words and deeds. ‘Grab ‘em by the pussy’ isn’t some isolated incident. 

The clown claims, ‘I don’t need to be forgiven’, cuz he claims he’s never sinned. Two dozen charges of sexual harassment and assault. Multiple bankruptcies where he took the money and ran, leaving workers, suppliers and lenders holding the bag. His University and Foundation shut down and fined, cuz of fraud. And it goes on and on, BUT, he’s God’s Chosen One, according to the gullible, ignorant sheep.

Hundreds of thousands died cuz of his LIES and incompetence with COVID.

Never mind. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand….


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