It's a big news story,

for the legitimate news outlets, but FOXNews just ignores story of the black USDA employee who got fired, then rehired when the truth came out, after a typical 'hit-piece' of slimy journalism by the puppets of right-wing sleazemaster, Rupert Murdoch, on 'Faux' News. Sure, you can read dozens of anti-Obama stories, but not a word about the racially biased, carefully edited clip, played repeatedly by their "journalists", that caused the fracas. Fair and Balanced, my ass....


Anonymous said…
Hard to argue with you on this one Famguy.
Fam Guy said…
Faux news finally acknowledged this ongoing drama, BUT, with the spin towrad how Obama screwed up, AND, never mentioning their role in the sleazy hit piece. Typical....
ladyj said…
you can get the story from the program The View, which was on this morning. The lady was on the program, told her story. I can assure you it was not Obama who fired her. She has been offered a new job.

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