Did something today, that was really stupid
We started watching the 'Lost' series, downstairs. It's a nice finished basement, but when I was cleaning up down there, this morning, I saw a spider near my recliner, SO, I turned the chair upside down, and sprayed the inside with bug killer spray, just in case there were any more. I noticd later, that every time I shifted position, I got a whiff of the spray. After a while, I was SICK. Nauseated and dizzy. Didn't put it together at first, but noticed after I left, I got better, then when I went back was sick again. I poisoned myself w/bugspray. Flipped the chair over and put a fan on it. Bailey walked into the room and freaked out, sniffing the air, w/the chair upside down, slinking all over and bouncing off the ceiling when there was a noise. Hopefully it's over now, but I was SICK.