Thanks to FOXNews,

and their ilk, we all know that global warming is a lie and a liberal plot, cuz them damn Libs hate business and America, BUT--

"June Hottest Month Ever – Last month was the hottest June ever recorded on Earth, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday, amid global climate warming worries.
The combined global land and ocean surface temperature data also found the January-June and April-June periods were the warmest on record, according to NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, which based its findings on measurements that go back as far as 1880."

This data has obviously been faked by those damn tree-huggers, BUT, Rush and O'Reilly will keep us from being duped. Keep up the good work, guys. There's a bunch of 'jeniuses' out there who depend on your wisdom.


Anonymous said…
You don't even know how to spell genius, but you make fun of Fox News. Shows how smart you are, Democrat!
ladyj said…
If you note Anonymous, FG wrote 'jeniuses', knowing full well it was misspelled. That is why he added the ' at the beginning and the end of the word. Are you that Republican not to notice? I'm an Independent and I knew as soon as I read it. Maybe you should have had a V8 and really smacked yourself in the forehead! Lord knows you need a smack.
And heaven knows it does snow in the winter and we do have freezing temps, however, the trend for hotter summers, colder winters, more severe storms in the midwest and tornado alley, etc. is valid, due to global warming.
Fam Guy said…
Hey, lady, don't try to confuse 'em w/facts. They are part of the FOXNews crowd, for which facts don't matter. It is ALL political, and the Repubs are NEVER wrong, no matter what the facts say...

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