The new leaks,

about the war in Afghanistan, make it hard to realize how anyone with a functioning brain, (which excludes the FOX crowd) can support this waste of lives, money and time, fighting a war that CANNOT be won. There is no winnable end in sight, BUT, the right wing jerks just love the thought of us fighting someone, somewhere, so they can feel 'tough'. Something they aren't able to do in real life, is doable, through the gov't and the military. Sickening, but typical of the military-industrial complex and the sheep who support them. The same people in "Charley Wilson's War', with the same missles we bought for them, are fighting us, tooth and nail, in their own country, as they have fought foreigners for generations, and never lost. Am SO disappointed in Obama, cuz he won't stand up to the jerks that support this waste. Makes him as bad as them, cuz he knows better. Just sickening, when you think of the cost, in lives and suffering, just cuz some people can't face reality. And I thought Viet Nam taught us something....


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