Because it is a cold, snowy afternoon,

I was included as Carol watched Oprah, today, and guess who was there, trying to change history again? That's right, Dubya was saying how he was 'blindsided' by the economic turndown, (his words) BUT, he saved us from a depression. OH REALLY. This huge recession, 'just happened' during his watch, but he saved us with TARP. What a bunch of bullshit, but people were eating it up. He actually looked like a caricature of himself, some SNL impression of GW Bush, as when he laughed, his shoulders bounced up and down and head remained still.  The audience had to be hand picked to applaud at the right places, as they actually acted like they believed he had 'written' the piece of propaganda called 'Decison Points'. His ghost writers had a hell of a job, but they were pretty good, as he ducked and dodged around the damage he caused our country. Was kinda funny and sad, frustrating and maddening, at the same time. Bottom line, he damn near wrecked us, and as to that, the final act hasn't been played out, as our economy struggles to repair itself, after this clown took the best country in the world and left it in tatters.


ladyj said…
Don't cha know that tv studios have Applause lights, as well as some guy who stands out of sight and at the right moment begins clapping his hands so the audience applauds?
Sometime you have to watch Dave Letterman, Jay Leno, or some of the other live shows, like SNL.

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