Congrats to W,

for doing something 'sorta' right. In Dubya's new book, he explains how mad Dick was, for a long time, cuz Darth Vader wanted his buddy Scooter, pardoned.  After Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame were villified for saying Saddam had no WMD's, Cheney and pals went after them for telling the truth, which meant the prez and his buddies were lying. Scooter Libby was the front man, and rec'd 30 months after a trial proved his (their) guilt. Cheney was REAL pissed that Bush didn't pardon him, which he didn't do, as that would have been TOO obvious, even for the Bushie crowd. He did commute his sentence and restored all retirement benefits, etc, SO, what was the big punishment, for Libby, not to mention for the Bush crowd that KNOWLINGLY lied to start a war?


Anonymous said…
Just can't quit on them, can you?
ladyj said…
And why should he? Cheney and his ilk will leave be black mark on American government for centuries to come. For honest citizens, myself included, I deplore nasty politics. This year was the worst seen since the Civil war, as far as dividing the nation.
Thanks to the court system, politics have now become more secretive, dishonest, more negative, with more money spent by corporations world wide than ever before. We're going to hell in a handcart, folks! We've only ourselves to blame. Just do me a favor, Anon, go sit on your thumb and rotate.
Fam Guy said…
Well, anon, it's kinda hard to ignore when W's out on his book tour, rewriting history to make himself look good. If he could only rewrite the economy.
ladyj said…
He had to write a book he could say he'd read one and to put one in the Bush library.
Fam Guy said…
Bush Library, sounds sorta like a Jewish Pork Museum, which reminds me of a bad joke I heard the other day. A Jewish dilemma? Free ham sandwiches...
Fam Guy said…
Bush's appearance came as he begins promoting his memoir, "Decision Points." In the book, Bush recounts that a furious Cheney told him: "I can't believe you're going to leave a soldier on the battlefield."

Personally, I think someone who shoots someone else, in the back, SHOULD be left in the field, or better yet, sent to prison, as he was sentenced to, by the court.
ladyj said…
watching the View this morning, Bawbawa Wawa stated that Georgie's mama, Babs, as I like to call her, had a miscarriage and she kept the "fetus" in a jar. She showed it Dubya and he said to himself,"that could have been my baby brother or sister." That is why he became so anti-abortion. I knew Babs was a few pearls short of a full necklace, but to preserve a fetus in a mason jar??? That's beyond the pale, Dude.
Anonymous said…
No amount of platitudes or lily-gilding can readily rescue the Bush legacy after he launched a war on bogus intelligence, turned a record surplus into record debt, and oversaw a disastrous economic downturn, so, he has some 'splaining to do. By all accounts, this book doesn’t do it.

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