Easy test, to tell

if you don't have a clue, politically. This morning, on FOXNews, Sarah announced she wasn't gonna waste time on biased news outlets, like ABC with Katie Couric and her 'gotcha' interview. If you remember, Katie had the unmitigated gall to ask Ms Palin what, or which newspapers she read, and Sarah couldn't think of one. THAT was unforgivable, SO, Sarah announced on FOX, that bastion of impartiality,  that whe wouldn't appear on biased news networks. If that didn't make you laugh out loud, you just ain't payin' attention, or you just don't have a clue.


ladyj said…
She wasn't going to waste time doing what on Non-biased news networks? (as I call them). I know what Republicans call them -not FoxNews.
Chances are she will run for Prez in 2012 and could be elected, because that is also the time when the Mayan calender calls for the end of time and the alignment of the earth, the moon, Mars, and Sarah Palin's ass. It will be so explosive, Todd Palin's penis will literally freeze.

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