From the same mind, and mouth,

that didn't realize that South Africa was a country, comes Sarah's latest gaffe. "We have to stand behind our North Korean allies", she said on FOX, after saying she wouldn't appear on any 'biased networks'. Yup, presidential material if I ever saw it...


ladyj said…
You can put lipstick on a pitbull; watch it crap all over your lawn; dig up your flower bed; bark all night; bite your neighbor; and say good doggie! What a bunch of dumbasses we are. Didn't anyone on Fox at least rehearse that broad prior to her appearance? Good dog!
Anonymous said…
I understand she made the comment that she'd only run for prez if no one else would volunteer to run for the job. In that case she would stand in and serve america. I hope she remembers this promise, because there will be plenty of candidates, i'm sure
Fam Guy said…
Actually, I'd love to see her be the Repub candidate, and watch her implode under the series of questions and interviews she'd have to do, if she ever left the friendly confines of FOXNews.
ladyj said…
At least Glenn Beck is her friend...with that said, who needs enemies? I did read she corrected herself in 7 seconds, no doubt through the earpiece she was wearing, just as George W. Bush wore during his tenure as prez for all of his off the cuff press conferences. He had knowledgeable men who would correct his gaffs through the ear piece he wore for the press. absolute truth!
Fam Guy said…
During the 2nd debate you could see the transceiver outline under the back of his suitjacket. Had to do something after the first debate when hejust 'winged it', and showed everyone what a moron he was/is.

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