Good article about W's new book, today

In his deftly crafted and utterly selective new memoir, W is the president we all wished him to be: compassionate, bipartisan, funny, charming, instinctive, independent, able to admit and learn from mistakes.

Heck, after I finished reading it, I was ready to vote for the guy. Read it all, here.
He liked being 'The Decider' but wasn’t interested in the unglamorous part of decisions, the due diligence required before you plunge into wars that can break the military.


Anonymous said…
Bush would be more beleivable if he hadn't crushed Joe Wilson and Vaerie Plame who were the experts in the field of mid East 'nucular' weapons when they contradicted his lies. As if he didn't know he was starting a war based on lies.
ladyj said…
This shows to all who really care that this man, ( honest to God, did you have to show that photo-op of Dubya holding the book upside down and looking a that little girl as if she was an alien?)is no working on all 8 cylinders. "It's a good thing he only showed you hsi dog."???? What else was he going to show him, his abs of steel? Or his mini "Putin"?

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