Knew this day was coming,

but still not easy. Dad called and said mom, (86 yr old) passed out for 20 mins and ambulance took her to hospital. Will let y'all know when/what I know.


Fam Guy said…
Called hospital and talked w/Dr. Said she is doing good, but they don't know why she passed out.
Fam Guy said…
Update, Tues, 5 PM. Still in hospital, tests inconclusive.
Famguy said…
Talked w/dad, mom's doing fine. They couldn't find anything wrong and she's going home tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
So glad to hear it. Tell them that we'll put our "black elephant" out for her. :)
ladyj said…
Sometimes with elderly, especially those who may be on meds such as blood thinners, blood pressure rx, potassium, diabetes meds, they may have a sudden drop in blood pressure or a sugar drop and will fade out. Twenty minutes is quite a long while.....are you certain it was that long? Maybe your father can be taught to check her B/P. There are some really easy monitors now which will digitally check both pulse and B/P.
Fam Guy said…
20 mins was his guess which may or may not be right. We did have a talk about him calling a friend first, NOT 911. She was still out when the friend got there. She's home now, the docs were undable to find a reason and she's mainly just sore from hitting the floor.
ladyj said…
He should also be taught how to take a pulse and where if a pulse cannot be detected on the wrist.
Oh yes, I can imagine how sore she is, God love her. I've had so many bumps and bruises from seizure falls, cuz when a person passes out, they just don't crumble, they fall forward, usually.
There has to be a reason she lost consciousness.

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