Can you imagine the feeling,

if, after 9-11, you had a patriotic stirring, and enlisted to defend your country, only to find out, as you sat in a tent in Iraq, that you'd been 'lied to' by the Bush crowd who had pulled a 'shell game' and you were merely a pawn in their oil game? Because of gov't lies, supported by FOXNews, over half the country thought Saddam was behind 9-11. By the time the enlistees found out they'd been duped and realized that Iraq had NOTHING w/9-11, it was too late. They were fighting Iraqis who were defending their country against foreign ivaders, just as they would have done if their homeland had been invaded. GOTCHA! But now it's too late, and they're in the milirary for a few more years, sweating their ass off in a desert as the locals try to kill them. BUT, if they pop some pills, it'll help w/the mental pain. That's part of the reason our military is the most medicated in the history of warfare. Don't believe it? Check it out. That's what Google's for, if you know how to use it. I feel sorry for all the pawns who are good, patriotic citizens but got duped cuz they believed the right wing lies. After Viet Nam I didn't thnk it could happen again. Wow, I was SO wrong.


ladyj said…
The sad part of this entire mess is that these men and women are mere part-time warriors or what were called "weekend warriors" by most of the military, because they "played Army, Navy, Marine, & Air Force on weekends. They weren't battle ready and many were kids. Now they're pulling 4 to 5 tours overseas, more than any other war we've fought.
The majority will be scarred mentality when this battle is over, if it will be over and our military do not have the funds or the doctors to save these brain damaged sons and daughters, fathers and mothers.
Our government knew it going in that we were not medically equipped to deal with the casualties of war on either side. But as always, we just go ahead without thinking.
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