No financial news,

on Sat morning, SO, as I was waking up I surfed the channels and, OMG, there was FOXNews lambasting Obama, believe it or not. Seems he is 'on vacation', in Brazil, while there's trouble in Libya and Japan. First of all, he's not on vacation. The #1 problem facing the US is unemployment, and he's working on that in Latin America, and there's nothing he can personally do in Japan. Second, he put together a coalition to deal w/Lybia instaed of just jumping into a 3rd war front, like W woulda done. No matter, I can just hear the FOX execs at their morning meeting. 'What can we say today to attack Obama so we can get back in power? Remember, it doesn't have to be true....'


ladyj said…
By the way, FOX has no intention of beating the swords into plowshares. They are the mouthpiece of war and warmongering. FOX uses weapons of lies and fear and major conservative-speak, which they and only they can and do call "truth". This may play in the Bible belt, but to those who actually know the truth, it's a farce.

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