Rush, 'The Pig', Limbaugh,

the poster boy for contraception, spouts a LOT of crap, but it doesn't get much worse than this, during his 'apology' to Ms. Fluke. That hasn't stopped the (sponsor) 'ships fleeing from a sinking rat.'

In his "sincere" non-apology on the air Monday he blamed his language choices on, yes, liberals. According to Mr. Personal Responsibility, they made him do it. His words: "In fighting them on this issue last week, I became like them. Against my own instincts, against my own knowledge, against everything I know to be right and wrong, I descended to their level when I used those two words to describe Sandra Fluke. That was my error. I became like them."

Yup, we shoulda known, it's those damn liberals who are responsible for the swill that flows from his snout.


Anonymous said…
A cesspool always seeks its own level: Breitbart dies, so Rush becomes twice as repulsive.
Fam Guy said…
As Jon Stewart says, "Rush is, and has been for several years, a terrible person", and labeled him as "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Gross". There's a reason he wins a Grammy every year, and Rush doesn't.

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