Candidate Trump called for an 'immediate withdrawal', but he LIED

cuz the war couldn't be won.

Why are we continuing to train these Afghanis who then shoot our soldiers in the back? Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home!
But now, the Orange Clown in the White House thinks it's time to ramp up the 17 year (so far) war in the country that's known as 'The place where armies go to die'.
The Liar in Chief is committing hundreds of billions of dollars and more American lives in a war that 'can't be won', according to military experts, and all military HISTORY.
Wow, the jerk(R) promised one thing and does the exact opposite? Who da thunk? I'm SHOCKED!
I'm sure it will stop the terrorists who have pods in all the major cities....

Trump approves sending 4,000 more soldiers, senior official says

OMG! This a-hole is 'in charge' of the US military. Yup, the Repubs now have 'their boy' in the White House. I'm guessing MORE WAR!  
Buy stock in bombs, bullets and prosthetics if you wanna make Big Money, with the Repub War Machine.
Just as our VA hospitals are PACKED with victims of Viet Nam, Iraq and other Repub 'money makers', for the few(R) that supply the tools of war.
Some things NEVER change. Pubs and war....


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