Of course I feel sorry for the victims of Harvey, but,

'for the most part' I really don't like Texans(R), cuz 'for the most part' they are vain and arrogant, like the current Liar in Chief. AND, they gave us GW Bush and their votes gave us the Orange Clown, and, they are mostly uneducated Bible Belt thumpers who are total HYPOCRITES, as they preach one thing, but live something else.
 When it was New York and New Jersey hit hard by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, all but one Texas Republican in Congress ― Rep. John Culberson ― voted against a $50.5 billion package to help people in those states.

NOW, it's DIFFERENT, cuz the Texans want help, and they are led by Slimy McSlimeface who's out front, asking for aid.
Nothing new here, but SO typical for the jerks(R).


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