Was gonna report on the latest Russian Bank investigation,

and they retained the SAME lawyer as the Orange Clown uses, in the transfers of hundreds of millions of dollars.
And was gonna reiterate the fact that 2/3 of the US KNOWS the Liar in Chief is a lying douchebag and the other 1/3 know, but don't care.
BUT, the 'new news' is that OVER HALF of Repubs 'DON'T CARE if the Liar in Chief was elected with the HELP of Russia.
They don't care.
Think about it!
What else can I say?
It all falls into 'shaming the shameless'. It can't be done...
Now, we know the Putin controlled Russian banks had YUUUGE dealings with Trump, as in HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars, during the campaign.
But the Pubs DON'T CARE, as the Orange Clown is 'exploding', cuz Meuller wants to look at his finances. We all know we can't look at his taxes. Think about it....
You think the rightwingnut assholes would care if Hillary did that?
Never mind, am using logic on the totally irrational.
The FOXSheep dumbasses just don't care about Russia electing Trump.
What more can I say....


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