There are two YUUGELY famous billionaires

One (Bloomberg) was elected as mayor of NYC, three times, the other one, hated by 85% of the people in the city who know him best. He got 15% of the vote in NYC.
 BUT, the yokels elected the Lying SOB as prez, cuz he can 'relate to them'.
The FOXSheep don't have a clue, and actually BELIEVE the mountains of lies that the lying SOB spews on a regular basis.
How can it be explained?
The yokels believe FOXNews and the preachers who tell them they'll go to hell if they don't vote Republican. Literally... They live 'out there'... Vote Repub, to save your soul, from everlasting hellfire.
And you wonder how how we got the Orange Clown as prez?
Thank Rush and Sean, who shovel shit to the gullible every day, plus your local preacher(R).....


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