After screaming ‘Where’s my Roy Cohn?’, after Jeff Sessions wouldn’t lie and cheat for him, Dotard finally got his Roy Cohn(s), all through his administration.

For those of you(R) who aren’t intellectually inclined, Roy Cohn was Nixon’s criminal Atty Gen, who protected the criminal prez(R), Richard Nixon.
Now,  the Liar in Chief is surrounded by Roy Cohns and we can’t get to the bottom of the Whistle Blower fiasco, or anything else, cuz the Pubs are just clamming up, on orders from the jackasshole, refusing to answer questions, under oath, and ignoring subpoenas, with no worry about retribution.
If you remember, Wm Barr’s ONLY qualification for AG was his statement, sent to Dotard, that a sitting prez couldn’t be charged with ANY crime.
Unbelievable, but nothing new here, from the Roy Cohn criminal family, installed and backed by The Russians....


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