And now for the BAD news. Just like Dotard said, he could shoot someone on Faith Ave and he wouldn’t be convicted.

Its true.
His rabid, head up their ass, FOXSwallowing followers just Don’t Care, no matter WHAT the jackasshole says or does.
He has (R) after his name and NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
They have had Dems BAD—-Pubs GOOD hammered into their tiny brains and shoved down their ample throats for so long, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
So what if Fat Donny was elected with help from Russia?
Who cares that he LIES constantly?
Who cares if he’s a Pussy Grabber?
Who cares if his best buddies are Kim Jong Un and Vlad baby?

He’s a Pub and they are Shameless.
Whatever it takes to keep power, for the Jesus Party.
The NYC com-man is ‘one of them’, who can ‘relate to them’
Lie, cheat and steal, whatever it takes, as he is kept in power by the Bible Belt.

Whatever it takes, just doesn’t matter....

Withhold aid from a country fighting Russia until they dig dirt on your rival?

It just doesn’t matter to the minions.
They VOTE and swallow FOXCrap.
Case (nearly) closed.....


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