Just to keep it simple, for the head up their ass Pub rightwingnuts.

The brand new DNI guy, McGuire, was in his second day on the job, after Dan Coats quit, when this scandal landed on his lap.
The Dotard appointed stooge was shocked, and FIRST asked the White House clowns what to do. They said ignore it, although it would be the first time EVER such a complaint was ignored.
Then, the lackey went to the AG office, headed by Dotard’s ass kissing AG, Wm Barr, ALSO named in the complaint, and SURPRISE, he also said to ignore it.
Then it got worse from there, BUT, in a nutshell, that’s how it began, after Dotard used his office to dig dirt on Biden, by withholding aid to Ukraine .
Show me where I’m wrong, rightwingnut morons.....


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