Can you imagine how the rightwingnuts would have SCREAMED

If Obama had promised help from the US military, and other favors, to get info on Trump, before the election, like Dotard just did to get dirt on Biden?
OMG! Pitchforks and torches and AR -15’s and FOXLies calling for open rebellion.
BUT, when Dotard does it, and the White House henchmen try to BURY IT, before Rudy, the addled a-hole ADMITS it, the Pubs have No Problem, and go after the Whistle Blower.
These jerks(R) are unbelievable, as they will do anything and condone ANYTHING from the Liar in Chief.
Again, can you imagine if Obama had done it?
Screw you Pubs and the ignorant sheep you rode in on....


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