The ‘Dotard appointed’ temporary DNI chief testified, or rather AVOIDED testifying, this morning.

The man who was/is charged with passing Whistle Blower complaints on to Congress, decided to FIRST clear it with the White House, then went for a second opinion to the Justice Dept, headed by Dotard’s ass kissing lackey, Wm Barr, who is ALSO named in the whistle blowers message.
Think about it...
The complaint NEVER would have seen the light of day if it was up to the Repubs, who buried it the best they could.
Same old old shit from the criminal clowns who will do whatever it takes to keep the power they have, including illegal activities and whatever LIES they deem necessary.

NEVER, until Dotard’s clown crew, has a whistle blowers message NOT been passed on, but the jerk that sat on it claimed he followed the law, by giving the final say so to the VERY people who were charged.
And the Pubs say, ‘What’s your problem, partisan jerks?’
Unbelievable, but SO Republican.....


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