During my daily peek at FOXLies I get some insight on what’s being shoveled to the sheep and I can understand WHY they are so ignorant and uninformed.

But today one headline jumped out at me
Dotard’s rabid, demented lawyer, Rudy Giuliani said, ‘The Dems want to silence me’, blah, blah, blah....
Are you KIDDING?
We want to hear MORE from the demented nutball that continually spouts crap, but occasionally TRUTH, that always turns up the heat on his Russian backed, criminal conman boss.

Keep talking Rudy, we all want to hear what your next gaffe, and unforced error will be.

We NEVER can get enough of Rudy on camera, although he acts like recordings exist, as his LIES are so easily proven, just from his LAST rants.


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