The Pathological LIAR is changing his story, AGAIN, after withholding funds to the Ukraine, in an attempt to get dirt on his political rival.

First, the LYING clown said it didn’t happen, then the jerk(R) claimed it was because of ‘corruption’ (Yup, his), now Dotard is saying it’s cuz other countries didn’t pay their fair share.
Who knows what version is coming tomorrow as his LIES catch up with him.
The slime ball did prove he could read a speech today, at the UN, although he acted at times like he’d never seen it before, as he bragged about spending TRILLIONS on the most bloated military in the history of the world and pushed Nationalism in front of a Global organization and goaded China and Iran in front of the world body.
At least he didn’t make a TOTAL ASS of himself like he did during his last UN speech.
He kept to the words written for him, by a pretty good writer, although it was hard to look past the pompous, arrogant jackassshole reading the prepared speech.


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