As Dotard and the Pubs gloat over the Dems fiasco in Iowa, let’s look back four years.

Rick Santorum had just won Iowa and Jen Bush was the fave to win it all.

Who da thunk a Russian backed, pussy grabbing (remember when we thought the ‘Christians’ would care), chronically bankrupt conman/Pathological LIAR would win, crammed down our throats by Vlad, FOX and the Bible Belt.
Still seems impossible, and still a long ways to go til November, AND, the Dems best chance of beating the criminal in the Oval Orifice, Dotard’s worst nightmare, hasn’t even been on the ballot yet.
Going head to head, as they have many times in the past, Mike Bloomberg consistently kicks his ass.
A real, self made billionaire, not daddy’s spoiled little boy, who cheated and LIED his way in, with Russian money and dirty tricks.
Screw the incompetent jackass and the sheep he rode in on.
Go Bloomberg!


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